The Next Gen of

The secure and trusted platform to manage digital assets

Fully Regulated Trust
Licensed and Regulated
in Sweden

About Aelysir Capital

Aelysir Capital Trust KB is a Fully Regulated Trust Company, licensed in Sweden.
As an independent, qualified custodian, we offer global custodial and trade support solutions for institutions, corporations, exchanges, and individuals. Our industry-leading suite of custody and trade support solutions for fiat and digital assets provides flexibility and peace of mind to our clients, knowing their assets will always stay protected and secure.

Our mission is to mitigate counterparty risk, facilitate trade execution, and enable capital efficiencies in the fiat and digital markets. We help our clients achieve this with our industry-leading suite of custody and trade support solutions, allowing clients to manage their assets from one location in a secure environment linked to many service provider options.

Digital Asset Banking

Aelysir Capital Trust KB is a Fully Regulated Trust Company, licensed in Sweden. As an independent, qualified custodian, we offer global custodial and trade support solutions for institutions, corporations, exchanges, and individuals. Our industry-leading suite of custody and trade support solutions for fiat and digital assets provides flexibility and peace of mind to our clients, knowing their assets will always stay protected and secure.

Mitigate counterparty risk, enable capital efficiencies and facilitate trade execution with Aelysir Capital

Low-cost payments in 180+ countries

Payments are received faster than international wire transfers and with real-time tracking, you'll watch it arrive safely.

Connected to robust FX capabilities

Transfer your funds between balances and currencies using your wallet in seconds.
Hold and manage between multiple currencies in your Wallet.

Safe, secure, and fully regulated

Enjoy hassle-free, easy to use cross-border tools, with highest standards in security and regulatory status in multiple regions.

Complete control of your wallet

• Receive real-time notifications
• Onboard customers and beneficiaries
• Statements of assets
• Regulatory and tax reporting

Personal Bank Account

• Open A New Bank Account Online Fast & Simple.
• Simple, secured & 100% online onboarding process. No physical visit to the bank is required.

Connecting people

• Transfer funds to family and friends around the world.
• Any nationality is welcome to open a personal bank account.
• Efficiently processes SWIFT wire transfers.

Digital Asset Banking

As an independent, qualified custodian, Aelysir Capital provides global custody solutions for fiat and digital assets. We offer a custody platform that provides access to traditional finance and digital assets.
Aelysir Capital collateralizes assets, encumbering them for trading and other escrow services.

Mitigate counterparty risk, enable capital efficiencies and facilitate trade execution with Aelysir Capital

Management Pricing and Fees

Whetever you’re just starting out or have an established company, there’s an AEL plan for you. For all plans you can get:
Virtual Card for 2€
Physical Card for 25€ + 2€/withdrawal





Coming soon...

Aelysir isn’t just a digital banking; the first rule to learn in the financial world is the diversification.
Be able to diversify is the key of success, for this reason we are working on other projects that may grow up in the coming years.

Our Token:

We created our own token and now we are working on an easily way to manage and convert the currencies you need for your global payments or retain funds to hedge against volatile fx markets.

With Aelysir Capital’s people across the world will be able to manage their securities and raise capital in an easier and more cost-efficient way. These services will cover the whole range from token issuance, distribution, brokerage and custody.

Keep an eye on our project!